Youth With You

We Care for your ReproNeeds.

Reproductive Health

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines “reproductive health” (RH) as being in a condition of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This implies not merely the absence of reproductive diseases or infirmities, but also refers to how people can have a healthy and safe sex life, possess the capability and freedom to make decisions to reproduce, given that they are well-informed of the consequences that entail and have access to safe, effective, and affordable RH services that are not against the law.

Reproductive health should also be understood in the context of healthy relationships in which there is an understanding of the balance between fulfillment and risk. Unsafe and uninformed sexual intercourse may result in sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), abuse, exploitation, unintended pregnancy, and even death.


All about Everybody's RH


Living organisms such as humans are genetically diverse because of sexual reproduction. In this process...
2 min read
All about Women's Health

Female Reproductive System

Unlike the male reproductive system which mostly focuses on the external parts, the female reproductive...
5 min read
All about Men's Health

Male Reproductive System

Unlike the female reproductive system, the male reproductive system is mostly located outside the...
7 min read

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