Am I ready for sex?

Deciding if you are ready for sexual relations is a big decision that is very personal. It's important to think it through very carefully and wait until you are sure you're ready. It is important to know that sex also has its risks — the probability of contracting STDs, experiencing unintended pregnancy, as well as the emotional effect it may impose on you. Hence, it is important to think about the following:

  • If having sex is something you really want to do, or something you’re being pressured to do
  • Whether family and friends will support your decision (and how important that is to you)
  • Your feelings about who you are and what you're comfortable doing
  • Whether you want to be in a committed relationship before you have sex (and if that’s true for your partner too)
  • What the pros and cons are - and especially thinking through any cons before deciding

Even if it seems like teenagers of your age are already engaging in such, you should not stress and hastily decide to have sex with your partner just because you feel pressured or compelled to do so. As such, you’re not ready to have sex if the reason you want to sounds anything like:

  • I’m the only virgin in my group of friends.        
  • I want to “get it over with.”   
  • I feel curios about it.
  • My boyfriend or girlfriend will break up with me if I don’t have sex.      
  • Having sex will make me popular.        
  • I’ll feel older if I have sex.        

Remember that it will ultimately depend on your choice, after you’ve considered what the consequences may be.

Is abortion illegal in the Philippines?

Yes. Abortion remains illegal in the Philippines under all circumstances. The Penal Code renders abortion a criminal offense, punishable by up to six years in prison for doctors and midwives who perform the procedure and by 2–6 years in prison for women who undergo the procedure. A separate set of laws under the Midwifery Act, Medical Act and Pharmaceutical Act permit the revocation or suspension of the licenses of any practitioner who performs abortions or provides abortifacients.

I think I might be pregnant or have an STI.
What should I do?

If you think you may be pregnant or have an STI, it would be a good idea inform your parents about it. If you’re worried that this may not be the best decision, it would be wise to talk to an adult you trust and make an appointment to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How do I avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections?

The only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is abstinence. If you are sexually active, there are a variety of ways to avoid pregnancy and STIs but the best choice would be by using a barrier method such as condoms, a diaphragm, or dental dam.

Couples who do have sex need to use contraceptives properly and consistently to prevent pregnancy. Keep in mind that the use of condoms is the only method that prevents both pregnancy and STIs besides abstaining from sexual intercourse.

Is it okay to masturbate?

Yes. Masturbating is completely normal and healthy as it releases sexual tension, relieves stress, promotes better sleep, and enhances self-esteem and body image. Some people are embarrassed about masturbating because of the existing conservative views that masturbation is dirty or shameful. However, the honest truth is that most people do masturbate. Across all genders and ages, people masturbate. Some a couple of times a day, some just once in a while. Some people never masturbate, and that’s totally okay because it is a personal decision.

Can I get pregnant if we have oral/anal sex?

When semen enters the mouth and is swallowed (which is not a necessary step), it enters the digestive system. The digestive system is completely separate from the reproductive system, which is the part of the body responsible for pregnancy. Thus, there is no risk of pregnancy associated with oral sex.

Likewise, anus is part of the digestive system and since the reproductive system and the digestive system are not connected, sperm that enters the anus cannot swim through the body to reach an egg cell in the reproductive system.

However, it is possible to get pregnant if someone has anal sex and the semen leaks out of the anus into the vagina or if ejaculated semen is near and works its way deep into the vaginal opening. Hence, if the person who ejaculates does not wear a condom or uses it incorrectly, there is a chance that some sperm may get into the vagina and a pregnancy could occur.

For tips on safer oral/anal sex, read here

Can I get pregnant if I am having my period/monthly bleed?

Yes, this is technically possible. The egg cell can live for about 24 hours after it has been released from the ovary (this is called ovulation). On the other hand, sperm can live from five to seven days inside of a vagina, particularly in the presence of fertile cervical fluid. Sometimes, fertile cervical fluid can be present towards the end of someone’s period. Since sperm can live up to seven days in this fluid, it is possible for pregnancy to occur if they ovulate within that time frame.

For example, if someone has unprotected sex on Sunday and still has their period with some fertile cervical mucus present, sperm can live in their body until the following Saturday. If they ovulate during that week, there could be sperm available to fertilize the egg, which could result in pregnancy. 

A woman’s ovulation cycles can vary, so it’s statistically possible to become pregnant while on your period. While pregnancy is less likely in the earlier days of your period, the chances increase in the later days.
Likewise, anus is part of the digestive system and since the reproductive system and the digestive system are not connected, sperm that enters the anus cannot swim through the body to reach an egg cell in the reproductive system.

Can I be pregnant even though my partner pulls out before they ejaculate?

Yes. Pulling out before the man ejaculates, known as the withdrawal method, is not a foolproof method for birth control. Some ejaculate (fluid that contains sperm) may be released before the man actually climaxes (pre-cum). In addition, some men may not have the willpower or be able to withdraw in time before ejaculating. 

Note that it is highly possible that sperm will be present in pre-ejaculate if a man has ejaculated in the past few hours. Thus, the person should urinate and wipe off the tip of their penis before intercourse to remove any sperm from the previous ejaculation, as sperm could have been trapped in the urethral lining or folds of skin and can therefore be present when subsequent acts of intercourse take place.

What do I do if I missed my birth control?

If you forget to take a birth control pill, take it as soon as you remember. If you don't remember until the next day, go ahead and take two pills that day. If you forget to take your pills for two days, take two pills the day you remember and two pills the next day. You will then be back on schedule.

If you miss more than two pills, call your health care provider for instructions. Those instructions may be to take one pill daily until Sunday and then start a new pack or to discard the rest of the pill pack and start over with a new pack that same day.

For missed pill guidelines, read more here

Does a man go through menopause?

Yes, a man goes through menopause, but to a different extent than a woman. Menopause is a term used to describe the end of a woman's fertility, literally meaning the end of menstruation. While female menopause is characterized by changes in hormone production, in men, the male testes do not lose the ability to make hormones until their 80's or longer. However, subtle changes in the function of the testes may occur as within the ages 45-50, and more dramatically after the age of 70.  

Because men do not go through a distinct male menopause period, some doctors refer to this as androgen (testosterone) deficiency in the aging male (ADAM) like the typical experience of decline in testosterone production due to aging.

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